Is it all theatrics? Talk of the indefinable, expositions of obscurity - all pillarless clouds of rhetoric prone to dissipation with the first encountered destabilisation of significance? Or is there more merit to it all, the fragmentary remnants of what had always been, seeming inadequate only to a majority opposition so overwhelming, mistaking disrepute with falsity. Does it even matter now, is there any more will to care; besides, how is one to rejoin that to which there is no recollection of affiliation? Vague memories flash across inverted eyes, sitting alone in a concrete grassy knowl an old hooded leather jacket visible in the distance, swaying contra breeze as if to make some futile, facile point of defiance. The sounds were his alone, shared by none; a glass cage of immediacy shutting away from a world it has neither claim nor interest in. No one would have guessed at the auditory repetition augmenting this ersatz solitude, soon there was no actual listening, just an appreciation of what momentary isolation is afforded, swaying not even registered; there was no point being made, no statement of rebellion, objection, opposition, discontent, nor was it a valuation of some abstract notions of outsiderness; it was just abstraction, a hollow disputation of the certitude of self. In truth, he was not there. That hooded shelter might as well have been unoccupied - be the stuff of dreams, let what little wind is mustered carry it to its will, swing in the breeze all the same, in acquiescence –to be sure- it would have been, but no different an outcome. And yet -all those seeming centuries ago- it all lasted only till the ‘stop’ button was hit and the world rushed in anew, filling body, sleeves and hood alike, ushering with it a victorious self mocking such feeble resistance, but ever aware each victory a Phyrric one, etching its formidable armour a mighty, insignificant scar. Now jacket and button are gone, that is the only real difference to be found; armour all the less formidable, resistance all the less feeble, battleground no longer confined to that concrete grassy knowl.
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